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A post shared by @adryancore

What to expect: Every month, you’ll receive two essays written by me, Adryan Corcione, in your inbox. One essay a month is free and the other essay will be paywalled.

About me: If you’re new to my work, I’m an essayist interested in memoir and pop culture writing. This newsletter allows me to tell stories I’ve always wanted to tell—like how I almost didn’t see Britney Spears in 2001 or hearing the tragic news that Amy Winehouse died while I was at Warped Tour.

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I intend for this to be a space of dialogue between us. Sure, I’m writing to you, but I’d like to write with you. What do you want to see discussed here? Reply to one of my email newsletters filling me in on your thoughts!

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Subscribe to Adryan's POV

Personal essays on pop culture of now and then.


writer, essayist and cultural worker on occupied Lenape land working on debut memoir with theme of pop culture, 00s internet, social media, mental health, relationships, gender and sexual identity, coming of age/childhood/adolescence